
Suppliers to Michelin Starred Restaurants

Our brand of Black Winter Truffles, Truffes de La Fuye, grace the tables of some of the finest eating establishments around the globe (currently restaurants in Paris and Singapore).

Set in the shadow of the medieval château, the truffle orchard at La Fuye comprises around 800 oak trees – a combination of Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) and English Oak (Quercus robur).

The trees were grown from the saplings of symbiont oaks, meaning that their roots contain some of the micro-structures of the Black Truffle (Tuber melanosporum), also known as spores. The composition of the soil, with its high limestone content - coupled with the climate - is ideal for the cultivation of Black Truffles, the most prized and valuable French truffle.

The Truffle Orchard

Every year the trees are pruned by hand, and the soil between the trees is tilled. Everything that is done is sympathetic to the principles of organic production – no chemicals are, or ever have been used in the orchard. The pruning and scarifying is carried out at very specific times of the year. We take great pride in our biodynamic farming practices.

Working the Land

The harvesting of the truffles at La Fuye is usually carried out in late November/early December through to January. It was traditionally performed by an ancient breed of dog specifically bred for the purposes of ‘hunting’ truffles - the Lagotto Romagnolo - but most scent-tracking dogs, if rigorously trained from birth, can perform the task.


To extend the truffle season beyond its traditional months, we make our own Truffle Salt

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